
3Q AP01 Twin Pack Electrostrostatic Ionic Air Purifier, Cleaner Review

3Q AP01 Twin Pack Electrostrostatic Ionic Air Purifier, Cleaner
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This product is an "ionizer/ozonizer". This is not revealed in product description. Owners manuel reveals the product produces an ozone output of less than 0.05 ppm/15 mg hr ozone gas. Manuel also reveals that people with respiratory problems should consult their physician before using this product. For more information go to [...]. "EPA does not recommend air cleaning devices that produce ozone gas for use in indoor occupied spaces. Ozone can cause health problems. Vendors often use misleading terms to describe ozone, such as "pure air" to suggest ozone is a healthy kind of oxygen. It is not. It is a toxic gas." I am allergic to dust and purchased this product believing it to be an ionizer. No where does the vendor mention that this product produces ozone that smells like clorox. I would rather breathe dust than ozone. I could not breathe the odor of clorox was so strong. I am returning this product for a refund.I would not have purchased it if the seller had mentioned ozone and possible health problems. Pure, clean, fresh air and water are odorless. They do not reek of chlorine or clorox. I recommend instead, SPT SF-15301 Mini Tower Fan with Ionizer, sold by Amazon. I returned this product and requested a refund for the product plus shipping in addition to $16.00 refund it cost me to return it to them. They met me half way, refunding product plus shipping, but not refunding what it cost me to return it.

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