
Maverick Remote Smoker Dual Probe Wireless Thermometer ET-73 Review

Maverick Remote Smoker Dual Probe Wireless Thermometer ET-73
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I recently got into BBQ smoking and realized pretty quickly that I needed a thermometer. The thermometer that came stock with my smoker turned out to be off by at least 100 degrees. An oven thermometer did the trick at first, but I found that I was opening the smoker way too often to check the temp resulting in heat loss. At the end of a smoke, I was also opening it way too often to check meat temperature. This product not only allowed me to keep track of both, but also let me keep track of it from inside the house! Since the weather is getting colder out, this is a definite plus.
The first thing I did was check the accuracy. I put both of the probes in a pan of water and brought it to a rapid boil. One probe read 212, and the other 213, one degree off. Next I put both in a large glass of water and ice. Both were showing 32 degrees between the ice and water. The tests turned out far better than I had expected.
So far I have used this for three 12-14 hour smokes, and at least 2 6 hour smokes and the batteries are still good. The probes clean easily, and I have had no significant problems.
One thing I noticed is that one of the probes sees to have a bit of melted rubber protruding between the grill temp probe and the connected wire. Since I have never had either probe about 255 degrees, I find that a bit troubling. Not sure I want to use it for a direct grilling application where the temps can go over 400 easily.
I have not had a chance to see how the outside unit handles rain.
All in all, I would not think twice of buying another one of these if I had a need.

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